Amplification experiments of preparing nano-sized nickel were carried out with both batch process and continuous process, and a continuous production unit of nano-sized nickel was built. 采用间歇方式、连续方式进行了纳米镍制备的放大实验研究,在其基础上建立了纳米镍粉连续化生产装置。
Order-oriented scheduling for continuous production process with due-date windows 面向定单交货期窗的连续生产过程生产调度
This should permit continuous production of fuels in a bioreactor more efficient than the traditional process of harvesting algae from a pond and then extracting the oil. 这应当能够让生物反应器源源不断地生产燃料比从池塘中收获藻类,然后提炼油的传统工艺更有效率。
Continuous production of electronic grade isopropanol from technical grade isopropanol 工业级异丙醇连续生产电子级异丙醇
It matches international well-known argon-arc welding machine and welding torch cooling system, guaranteeing long-term continuous production. 配备的国际知名品牌氩弧焊机及及焊枪冷却装置,可保障生产的长期持续进行。
The incorporation of the international advanced level enclosed fully automated production plant for continuous production, fully automatic packaging. 采用具有国际先进水平密封式的生产车间进行全自动的连续化生产,全自动的包装。
The utility model has the advantages of continuous production, closed operation, high filter intensity, large operating flexibility, etc. 具有连续生产,可密闭操作,过滤强度大,操作弹性大,适用范围广等优点;
Online grade analyzer is one of the automatic detecting devices for key parameters during continuous production in mineral processing. 在线品位分析仪是矿物加工连续生产过程中关键参数的自动检测装置之一。
How do recent advances in the continuous production of oral solid dosage forms help mitigate these misconceptions? 在连续生产的口服固体剂型的最新进展如何帮助减轻这些误解?
In addition, shutdown of production equipment caused by drop off voltage flicker can be recovered or alarmed automatically, which offers effective protection to continuous production process. 同时,系统对闪变电压跌落造成的生产设备停机可以实行自动恢复或报警,为连续性生产工艺提供了一种有效的防护。
The screw pump is the key transportation equipment which realizes continuous production of emulsion explosives. 螺杆泵是乳化炸药实现连续化生产的关键输送设备。
Plunger Lift Drainage Water Gas Production Technology Research for Well Startup Continuous Production 不关井连续生产柱塞气举排水采气工艺研究
And achieve large scale continuous production. 实现大规模连续生产。
In the case of continuous production, a batch may correspond to a defined fraction of the production. 在连续生产中,一批可能对应于与生产的某一特定部分。
Industrial explosives in order to achieve continuous production automation technology, to enhance the national explosion of my industry's international status. 从而实现了工业炸药生产的连续化自动化技术,提升了我国民爆行业的国际地位。
Master Production Scheduling for Series-Parallel Continuous Production System with Multiple Products 多产品串并联连续生产系统主生产计划方法
The working conditions in a factory are far more amenable than those on a site, and this permits continuous production. 在工厂里,工作条件比施工现场更容易控制,从而保证生产的持续性。
For taxable consumer goods, sub-contracted for processing used by the contractor for the continuous production of taxable consumer goods, the tax paid can be credited in accordance with the regulations. 委托加工的应税消费品,委托方用于连续生产应税消费品的,所纳税款准予按规定抵扣。
This process has a favorable foreground in industrial application, which leads to continuous production of acylamide. 本研究为进一步研究长期连续化生产过程的运行打下了基础。
The device can achieve continuous production and increase production efficiency. 本实用新型可以实现连续生产,提高了生产效率。
Analysis and Measurement on Converter Steam to Ensure RH Refining Furnace Continuous Production 转炉蒸汽保障RH精炼炉连续用汽的分析与对策
The utility model is reasonable in design, and the production efficiency is remarkable with the continuous production of the egg roll. Besides, the egg slices, or chips can be shaped via cutting. 本实用新型具有结构合理,蛋皮连续,生产效率较高,还可以切出蛋丝、蛋片等产品。
Ma, I'd be willing to give tour racing bicycles a try, but you have to guarantee continuous production, and adequate supply of spare parts. 但是,你们必须保证边疆生产和对零部件在足够的供应。
In continuous production, the product code together with the date and time can serve as the unique identifier until the final number is allocated. 连续生产时,在最终批号确定前,可以将产品代码、日期和时间结合起来作为唯一的识别符。
Featuring continuous production, low power consumption, high dehydration rate, compactness and small floor space, the belt filter press without flow tank is favored by end users more and more. 带式压滤机具有能够连续生产、功耗低、体积小、脱水率高、占地面积小、可以省去二沉池等诸多优点,越来越受到使用单位的青睐。
The study on formula of producing minor diameter emulsion explosives adapted to continuous production is illustrated in this paper. 文中介绍了适应连续化生产的小直径乳化炸药系列配方的研制情况。
A new type of continuous production technology of low pressure casting for magnesium alloy was developed. 研制开发了一种新型镁合金低压铸造连续化生产技术。
This mulser is suitable for the crafts of continuous production, mass production, circulating processing production and it's with steadily operation, low noise, high efficiency, automatically control. 适用于连续生产、大批量生产、循环处理精细物料等生产工艺。具有运转平稳、噪音低、效率高、处理黏度范围广等特点,并可实现自动化控制。
Chemical foaming effect is one factor of influencing the quality of the emulsion explosive in the continuous production of the emulsion explosive. 连续化乳化炸药生产中,化学发泡效果是影响乳化炸药产品质量因素之一。